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On Location: Iman and Peter Beard, 1985

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This unseen collection titled “En Vogue” evokes a nostalgic 1980’s moment the period Ricciardi captured Iman’s return to Kenya 10 years after discovering her in 1975, in this collaborative fashion shoot capturing Peter Beard on location.

In this impromptu shoot among friends, Mirella Ricciardi has captured the aesthetic expression between the photographer and subject and portrays a feeling of freedom in this candid moment.

These rare shots and allure of Iman captivates Peter Beard the photographer, creating a frisson of excitement.

This fashion series taken out of a studio setting against the backdrop of the natural African landscape on a rare journey to the north of Kenya, accompanying the late charismatic American photographer and artist Peter Beard on location with Iman, continues to show her creative approach encapsulating this unique visual narrative, making these gelatin silver fine art prints a cohesive collection for any discerning collector.

Mirella’s keen eye for chic simplicity of composition in this collection demonstrates a continued signature style, originally cultivated in her early studio work in the 1950’s and later bought to life in her book Vanishing Africa, published in 1971.

Ricciardi fuses the timeless elegance of black and white photography, her photographic expertise and experience to convey a thought provoking synergy between Beard and his subject.

This collection is about friendship, an intimate collaboration between photographer Mirella Ricciardi, celebrating the elegance of the supermodel and muse in this creative fusion.

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